How long does it take to cure silico
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The curing time of a silicone compound depends on a number of factors. These include temperature, section and cure mechanism
How long does it take to cure silicone?

The time taken to cure a silicone compound depends on a number of factors. These include temperature, section and cure mechanism.

Standard pot life of YJS Silicone is 30-40 mins, curing time 3-4 hours under 25 degrees.

We can adjust the pot life according to customer's requirements.


Some customers asked how to control the pot life after they order silicone, there are some suggestions and warm tips for your reference-

the curing time of both tin cure silicone and platinum cure silicone will be affected by room temperature. When the room temperature becomes higher, the pot life and curing time will becomes shorter. Otherwise, the pot life and curing time will become longer.

1. For the tin cured silicone, you can change the mixing ratio of the catalyst to control the pot life. When the temperature becomes higher, add less catalyst. When the temperature becomes lower, you can add more catalyst. Standard mixing ratio of our tin cured silicone YJS-5 series is 2%, the percentage can be 1.2%-3%. If the catalyst less than 1.2%, the silicone will not cure. If the catalyst more than 3%, the shrinkage of the silicone mold will become larger.


2. For the platinum cure silicone, the pot life and curing time is affected by room temperature very much. When the temperature change 5 degrees, the pot life will be double or half. It is difficult to control the pot life. So it is better to control the room temperature to keep suitable pot life. 



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QQ  Shirley Wu