What are the major differences betwe
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Condensation cure or tin-cure uses a tin based catalyst, addition cure or platinum-cure uses (you guessed it) a platinum based catalyst. Both have unique qualities and depending on your project one will be more suitable than the other.

What are the major differences between tin-cure and platinum-cure silicone mold making rubbers?

Here at YJS SILICONE we sell 2 types of silicone, condensation cure and addition cure. These are the two main types of RTV silicones used for mould making and casting.
Condensation cure or tin-cure uses a tin based catalyst, addition cure or platinum-cure uses (you guessed it) a platinum based catalyst. Both have unique qualities and depending on your project one will be more suitable than the other.

Whilst they both come from the RTV silicone family, they really don't like eachother, they're not suitable for use together.

Most prop makers will be familiar with condensation cure, it's cheaper and a little easier to use. It’s the go-to silicone for mould making in the industry. So why do we produce addition cure? Addition cure has some unique qualities that makes it a great choice for certain projects. We’ve outlined a few key qualities to explain the differences between condensation and addition cure silicone so you can make an informed choice.

Condensation cure cures with a small amount of shrinkage, but addition cure cures with almost no shrinkage.

Storage life
Condensation cure moulds have a much shorter storage life than addition cure.
We use our addition cure to make moulds for casting product samples, its long storage life means its perfect for this type of application in which the mould is repeatedly used over a long timeframe.

Working with addition cure requires a lot more precision when measuring and mixing.
Addition cure is more sensitive to certain chemicals and environment changes which can affect the curing process which may result in a mould not curing or half curing.

Heat resistance
Addition cure has an incredibly impressive resistance to heat.
Whilst condensation cure silicone is more economical and great for general mould making, addition cure is perfect for projects that will have repeated casting over a few years.
We hope you found this useful! If you have any more questions get in touch with our team!


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QQ  Shirley Wu