how to deal with the air bubbles in
Source: YJS SILICONE   Publish Time: 2014-02-23 14:13   470 Views   Size:  16px  14px  12px

 how to deal with the air bubbles in the mold making process?

There are three solutions for the air bubbles in the mold making process:

1. Degassing the mixture in vacuum machine. Put the mixture into the vacuum machine after you mix the silicone base and catalyst thoroughly. This degassing process will take 3-5 minutes.

2. If there is no vacuum machine available; can reduce the mixing ratio of catalyst from 2% to 1.2%-1.5%. In the prior period of the reaction will be slower, the air bubbles will have more time to release out
B. you can ask your supplier to make lower viscosity silicone for you so that the silicone have better bubble discharge ability. One more thing should be taken noted that if the silicone with too low viscosity, the performance of the silicone mold will get poor. You should discuss with your supplier about this problem and ask them to make lower viscosity with better quality relatively.







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QQ  Shirley Wu