How to store the silicone molds?
Source: YJS SILICONE   Publish Time: 2020-04-24 15:31   742 Views   Size:  16px  14px  12px
YJS SILICONE provides condensation cure silicone rubber and addition cure silicone rubber, high quality and good prices.

 How to store the silicone molds?

The physical life of the mould depends on how you use it (materials cast, frequency etc.). Casting abrasive materials such as concrete can quickly deteriorate mold detail, while casting non-abrasive materials like wax or plaster will not affect mould detail. Before storing, the mould should be cleaned with soap & water solution and wiped fully dry. Two part (or more) moulds should be assembled. Moulds should be stored on a level surface in a cool, dry environment. Casting Plasterinto the mould prior storing will extent mould library life.

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QQ  Shirley Wu