What's the best properties of rtv2 s
Source: YJS SILICONE   Publish Time: 2019-11-28 14:20   524 Views   Size:  16px  14px  12px
RTV-2 products feature a series of high-performance characteristics that, make them remarkably stable in a wide temperature range, with elastomers remaining flexible from -80°C to +250°C

RTV-2 products feature a series of high-performance characteristics that, make them remarkably stable in a wide temperature range, with elastomers remaining flexible from -80°C to +250°C, with some able to overcome brief exposure to temperatures of 300°C. At the other end of the scale, some types of RTV-2 silicones can deal with drops of -100°C. They only break up at temperatures above 350°C, producing an inert silica deposit that is non-flammable and non-combustible.

Generally, their dielectric properties associated with a good level of thermal conductivity of the corresponding formulations make them especially well suited for high-performance electrical insulation, without heat accumulation. Compared to other materials used with the same functionality like Polyurethane, their thermal resistance creates a huge advantage, and the fire resistance, which is commonly required in the protection of electronics systems, is outstanding in the case of silicone formulations. Finally, compared to other materials like epoxy resins, silicones offer the advantage of an extreme flexibility creating no stress during differential dilatation on the electronic components (Silicone Gels are even better on this specific property). Resistance characteristics include the ability to withstand long periods of exposure to severe atmospheric conditions. They also have good mechanical properties and their low surface tension enables them to properly reproduce surface detail, making them a material of choice for Molding applications. Many RTV-2 formulations provide an efficient release effect, more than cured rubbers have for organic and inorganic materials. They are ideal materials for molding, printing and prototyping applications.
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QQ  Shirley Wu