silicone rubber for concrete molds
Source: YJS SILICONE   Publish Time: 2017-12-07 14:10   624 Views   Size:  16px  14px  12px
silicone rubber for concrete molds, tin cured silicone rubber, platinum cured silicone rubber

Compared to other mold making materials, silicone rubber is flexible and withstand multiple usages, allowing you to get consistent results and produce a professionally looking batch of products, be it flower pots, door knobs or pendants. Molds are also cleaner and faster way to work with concrete. The post-production sanding is minimal and doesn't take much effort either.

There are two types of silicone rubber for concrete casting, one is tin cured silicone, the other is platinum cure silicone rubber. Both types vary in performance and durability, with platinum silicone rubber being more flexible and resistant to tearing. Platinum rubber molds also produce smoother surface in the cast products.




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QQ  Shirley Wu